
How a Kaizen Approach Can Scale Your Startup’s Impact

When we consider successful startups, our thought typically goes to disruptive products that revolutionize the sector.

That said, embracing an approach of continuous, incremental improvements can be equally transformative.

This is the essence of Kaizen.

Kaizen is a philosophy of continuous improvement. It is based on the idea that everything can be improved, and small, incremental changes can lead to significant outcomes over time.

Many corporations, like Toyota, have adopted this philosophy to improve their production system.


Here are 3 reasons why the Kaizen approach can help your impact startup scale its results:


1. It accelerates the achievement of your impact goals.

You will systematically analyze and improve your solution by testing and validating assumptions. Problem-solving is deliberate, not reactive. No more patchwork, but sustainable, long-term solutions.

2. It turns impact into a daily practice.

Throughout the journey of achieving your goals, you are already impacting your team, environment, community, and users. By making small improvements, you can already make a difference.

3. It empowers your team.

The Kaizen approach enables your team to identify and rectify shortfalls in their work. As a result, motivation, engagement, and satisfaction increase.


Here are 3 steps to practice Kaizen, starting from your workflow:

  1. Set aside a time each week in your schedule for a weekly review.

  2. Reflect on the work you accomplished that week and seek answers to the following questions:

    • What did I learn?

    • What isn’t working?

    • How can I make it better?

  3. Translate your findings into intentions, tasks, and assumptions you can test in the coming week.

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