
Avoiding the Greenwash Trap: Spot 3 False Claims When Shopping for Eco-Friendly Products

Everywhere you look, it seems everything is turning “green”.

But is it all truly eco-friendly?

Look for these 3 common greenwashing tactics to ensure you don’t get tricked.


Companies highlight one small eco-friendly aspect of their product, distracting from a larger truth: their other operations may be significantly harmful to the environment.

Ex. An energy company promotes their minimal investments in renewable energy, while they continue to extensively utilize and profit from non-renewable sources.


Companies shift the blame onto consumers. They hint that it’s your responsibility to fix the planet, while they continue to damage it.

Ex. A clothing brand that promotes recycling and encourages you to recycle their gear, but meanwhile, they produce fast fashion that contributes to waste and pollution.


Companies use words like ‘green’ or ‘sustainable’ on packaging, but upon closer inspection, those claims can be misleading or entirely false.

Ex. A household cleaning product claims it’s ‘100% natural’, but in truth, the fine print reveals the inclusion of harmful chemicals.

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