
From Waste to Wealth: Embracing a Circular Model to Transform our Food System

Did you know?

Our current food system is unsustainable and inefficient. But, hold on, there’s light at the end of this tunnel!

Adopting a circular strategy to manage food waste offers benefits for everyone:


Recycling nutrients from food byproducts and leftovers into the soil boosts crop growth and cuts down greenhouse gas emissions.


Minimizing post-harvest losses with improved storage, transport, processing, and packaging means less waste and lower costs for consumers.

Businesses and Investors

Supporting eco-friendly practices and reducing greenhouse gases establishes businesses and investors as champions against climate change.

Switching to a circular model requires an open mindset to experiment, investment in cutting-edge technologies, and a firm commitment to sustainability.

Venture capital firms like S2G Ventures and companies such as Too Good To Go are already making a difference, but we need more hands on deck.

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